Andrew Howard Ambrose (Plot 399)

Andrew was born on 23rd October 1909 into a Military family where his father was stationed in Cairo. His Father Matthew was in the Royal Horse Artillery. His mother Minnie Mary Howard accompanied him wherever he was stationed. In 1911 they are at Woolwich Barracks; Andrew is 2 years old. In 1921 they are at Leazerate Villa in Newcastle upon Tyne. Andrew aged 12 was listed for education at school the whole time, with no mention of any problems. After this, he is lost to us (needing further research in the Archives) until the Calderstones records by the Head Male Nurse from Aug 1934 until 28th October 1935.

We pick him up on the 16th of September 1934 where he is allowed out on licence to his mother but does not return. Caught the next he is returned recorded as "returned from Parole 17th Sept 1934 nothing more is recorded in this book until 3 July 1935 when it says he has been returned from License in a very poor condition weighing only 6stones 8 lbs. He is kept on the ward records saying condition unchanged until 12 July when they record that he has lost 6 and a half lbs. since coming back from Licence. His condition is now Poor, and he is refusing food, so they give him an enema. For the next few weeks, he is losing weight, having Calcium and Gluconate injections until the 15th of August when it is recorded as Phthisis (TB) condition poor, not eating, lost 4 lbs since 9th Aug. The book finishes on the 18th. Andrew died 28th October 1935.

We do not know why when or how Andrew came to be in Calderstones. There is no mention of anything untoward on his early records at home, but he would be moved around a lot because of his father's military Career. We do not know if anyone other than his mother visited but there is a lovely memorial stone to him in Calderstones Cemetery leaning up against a fence even though his plot number 399 is 8 rows down from the War Graves area in the middle. His gravestone says he had the mental age of a child of 6, then Jesus said, "Suffer little children to come unto me" True or not it is clear he was old enough and aware enough to know he did not want to be there. His parents moved to Devon. On the 1939 Register his mother is in a Residential Home aged 58 and his father is a LT. Colonel, retired and living with his sister.

Andrew's relatives now know where he is and have visited the Cemetery and will do so again. We are in contact, and they are following his story. The pictures are Andrew's memorial Stone as it was originally in plot 399 and where it now lies up against the railings, a chance find by his relatives on a visit to locate his grave.